This post is really late in coming, but better late than never! We had an October birthday and the birthday boy wanted an Indiana Jones birthday party. I hadn't seen an Indiana Jones movie in Sooooo long so I turned to the internet to help me on my way. As it turns out, there wasn't very much to be found. So, I also wanted to post this to help anyone else in need of this same theme. Some ideas I used were found online, but since it's been months, I have no idea where to give credit. SORRY! I will say, the party was in November, right after Halloween, and I was able to scoop up some (gross) Halloween goodies at 90% off prices!! You know I love a bargain!
I bought some scrapbook paper that looked like an old map.
In Word, I created the text and formatted it to print several times on one sheet. (Google "Indiana Jones Font" to download the font. I think mine was called Fedora.)
I cut them apart and burned the edges with lighter. (do this outdoors, it creates lots of little harmless ash) I found that putting out the little flames was easiest done with my fingertips. Blowing on it didn't always work. Be careful and use common sense!
Then I glued these papers to a larger piece of cardstock, repeating the burning effect on those edges as well. Now it looks old and awesome! I coffee-dyed the envelopes and baked them in the oven for a few minutes to make them look equally as old and wrinkled. The final touch was some red food coloring drops to make it look like blood. I also bought a stamp that says "DANGER" and stamped it crooked across it, leaving enough room for the child's name. (I wish I took a pic of those, sorry)
***THE FOOD***
While the food was in the oven, the kids all played with their whips outside. I downloaded the theme song from Amazon and played it on a loop for the kids, having the outdoor speakers and the inside speakers on. They also played a little football :)
The dessert spread
The Brain Cupcakes
(homemade marshmallows piped into bone shapes)
White Chocolate Skulls
(Wilton mold)
(Wilton mold)
Bloody Fingers & Toes
(sugar cookies with slivered almond "nails", dipped in Wilton candy melts)
The munchies
Including: Dead Bugs (Pizza Rolls), Mummies (Crescent Dogs), Moth Wings (Chips), Petrified Worms (Cheetos)
(crescent roll wrapped hot dogs with mustard eyes)
AB Negative Blood
(ketchup in a Wilton squeeze bottle. google 'blood bag label')
Squeezing this out was kind of making everyone queasy!
Drinks - nothing special (tea, lemonade & water)
MISSION 1: Find the Lost Idols
After listening to their mission, they each took turns digging through MONKEY BRAINS! (cold cooked spaghetti) There were several little gummy skeletons (non-edible) that needed to be found. It was hard since the skeletons felt exactly like spaghetti! (another Halloween find)
Next they had to fish through EYEBALL SOUP to find small clear bouncy balls that had little black spiders in them. The "eyeballs" were peeled grapes, and they were pretty slimey!
MISSION 2: The Arc of the Covenant
I spray painted a large box gold and wrote "DANGER" on the sides in black. Then I took brown paper bags from the grocery store and ran them through the paper shredder. I filled the box up with the brown paper and fake spider webs (that also graced my light fixtures, fireplace, staircase and front door). Then loaded it up with "gross" body parts gummy candy and lots of little toys and such. (more Halloween clearance finds) Then on top of all of it, I put in all the toy snakes, bugs, and reptiles I could find from the playroom. This was where the kids got to fill up their goodie bags to take home. (sorry I didn't get a better picture of the box)

Since the kids were digging around "snakes", when they finished filling up their goodie bags, they had to immediately drink a vile of the antidote!
Next came gift opening...
Then we sang the birthday boy his birthday song...
I still can't believe my first born is TEN years old! Double digits!!
All the boys had a GREAT time!
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